Blue Box Books
“I can’t express the warmth I feel every time my daughter picks up one of these books and asks me to read about Jesus, her forever friend. A Blue Box book places timeless theological truths on the bottom shelf where kids can access, know, and most importantly, embrace the love of Christ. ”
"WOW! is all I can say."

The Jesus
Comfort Quilt
“The Jesus Comfort Quilt is an amazing book and I am looking forward to sharing it with the families we serve. It has been difficult to find activities for our families that are filled with the hope that only our Savior can bring. This book is incredible.”
"Engaging, creative, fun and thought-provoking!"

“Young and old, we all need a word from God. These are children’s sermons for everyone. When Jesus preached, people were listening; he’d illustrate with a parable, they would lean in, because stories are fun — then BOOM, it was just for them. That is the holiness of God’s Word; it transcends the ages and cultures, and it is just for you right in the mess you are in today. It’s the same for kids, too, and that’s what the Blue Box Project is all about.”
“For the summers, we have been doing Blue Box children’s sermons in all 4 of our morning worship services. Everybody starts together in worship, then after scripture we do a Blue Box that fits the message of the morning. The adults get as much out of it as the kids, and it sets up the sermon beautifully. It’s another way to reinforce the message, and gives families something to talk about on the way home. I highly recommend it.”