Book-a-Month Subscription

Book-a-Month Subscription


Our popular Book-A-Month Subscription is a wonderful gift for birthdays, special events or "just-because." Families and friends will love receiving a new Blue Box Book in the mail each month and reading each book again and again for devotions or bedtime stories. When you give this subscription as a gift, the first book comes with a gift card.

Books are shipped to be received in the first week of the month; your subscription begins in the month you specify on the order form. A flat rate shipping/handling rate of $37 applies to each subscription order.

  • January: What's In Your Bag?
  • February: Loving God
  • March: How Should a King Come?
  • April: Our Go To
  • May: Your Share Score
  • June: U Turn
  • July: The Jesus Category
  • August: If We Could See Prayer
  • September: Only The Lonely
  • October: Big Jesus
  • November: The Thanksgiving Habit
  • December: Christmas at Home


  • Please purchase each Book-a-Month subscription in a separate order from other books or products. 
  • When ordering, fill out form with instructions for the month subscription should begin and recipient details for gift orders. Based on the information you provide, we will include a gift message when the first book is shipped. 
  • When checking out, be sure to choose the $37 flat shipping option for Book-a-Month subscriptions; this covers shipping and handling for the entire subscription period.
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